Feb 17th Doors and Keys Devlog

In this build I practiced making blueprints for keys and doors. The key blueprint is created by creating a small circle close to waist height on the character model. I added a print string that prints a message as soon as the game loads stating that a key exists in the map. I then created an event that happens when the player starts to overlap the area the key is occupying. This made it so that the key could be picked up by the player. This was done by creating an integer variable called keys in the character blueprint. I then incremented the keys variable by one when the key was walked over. I then made the key destroy itself once it was picked up.
I also created a door blueprint. This was created by creating a rectangle larger than the player in the blueprint. I then added a collision box so that I could create the locked door. This collision box was made to surround the rectangle. I then added an event that began once the player began overlapping with the collision box. This event checked to see how many keys the player character had. If the character had at lease one key then the door would subtract one key from the key variable and then destroy itself. If the character did not have any keys the door would tell the player to find some more keys. Overall this was very good practice for creating more simple blueprints and to get more familiar with how to move and create things in Unreal Engine.
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